Nominate a candidate for the 2021 Donner Research Prize
The Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History hereby calls for nominations for its annual prize for outstanding research pertaining to the field of religion. The prize is awarded to researchers in the field for a significant, relatively recent (2018 or later) monograph, article or anthology (in which case the main responsible researchers are nominated), in printed or digital form. The research should have been carried out at a Nordic university.
The prize sum amounts to € 5,000. It was awarded for the first time at the Donner Institute Symposium in June 2010. The prize committee consists of the Donner Institute Board.
More information about the prize and previous prizewinners is found at https://www.donnerinstitute.fi/en/di-prize/
Nominations can be made by professors, supervisors and researchers in the field, one cannot however nominate oneself. The nomination of a maximum of two pages should include a short presentation of the researcher and the publication, as well as a motivation why the nominee should be awarded the prize. The nomination and the suggested publication should be sent in two copies to the Donner Institute.
The nominations should be sent by 31 May 2021 to Ruth Illman, secretary of the Donner Institute Board. She will also provide further information on the prize: rillman@abo.fi
Turku, 19 April, 2021
Contact Information:
The Donner Institute
PO Box 70
20501 Turku, Finland