We believe in open access
Two publications are issued continuously by the Donner Institute: the publication series Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis and the e-journal Approaching Religion. We also co-operate in publishing the journal Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies.
We believe that the knowledge we are part of creating should be freely available to researchers worldwide. Therefore, our scholarly publications are published as open access publications. We also encourage researchers funded by us to publish their results for free global distribution. By supporting and encouraging the open science ideals, both in the research we carry out and in the research we fund, we aim to contribute to developing a more responsible, fair and equal academic discussion that enables participation at a global level.
In order to guarantee the scholarly quality of our publications, all manuscripts are peer-reviewed by external experts before publication decisions are made. We follow the so-called golden model for open access publishing, which means that our publications are freely available online, in their entirety, without embargo times, costs or demands concerning login or subscription. Authors are not charged any publication fee for publishing with us.
In addition to our own publication activities, DI also provides information services to students and researchers concerning other open access issues. If you have any questions about open access publishing or open science at large, do not hesitate to contact us.

Co-operation with the publication platform Journal.fi
As members of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV), we are able to distribute our publications via the platform Journal.fi, which is the main publication channel for scholarly journals in Finland. The Journal.fi portal is built using the Open Journal System 3.0 software, which is designed to meet the quality requirements of academic readers and research financiers, as well as the standards expected by authors, peer-reviewers and publishers for a reliable, smooth and interactive editing and publishing tool with appealing user interface and up-to-date technology.
We work resolutely to give our publications the greatest possible dissemination and impact in the scholarly community. Currently, our publications are included in the following key databases and reference index: ATLA (American Theological Library Association), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO Database Academic Search Premier, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH Plus, Religious Studies Bibliography (RelBib), the Finnish Publication Forum (JuFo) and the database Doria upheld by the National Library of Finland. Our articles are also found via searches in Google Scholar.
Our publications

Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, published since 1967, is a conference publication issued by the Donner Institute. Scripta has been published as an open-access peer-review publication since 2014, but all of the previous twenty-eight volumes have been digitised and made available online. In Scripta, a selection of conference papers presented at symposia and conferences organised by the Donner Institute, often in collaboration with international partners, are published in a revised article form. Many of the most respected researchers within the research of religion have published articles in Scripta over the years.

Approaching Religion publishes current research on religion in a cross-disciplinary perspective and offers a platform for scholarly cooperation and discussion in this field of research. From 2011, Approaching Religion has appeared in two issues a year and consists of articles, book reviews, reflections and discussions. It addresses an international readership and, as the title suggests, approaches the field of religion from a broad perspective, engaging contributors from different theoretical and methodological traditions. We are happy to receive proposals for thematic issues from research groups in our field of research!